I was looking through my cookbook collection, and I have purchased 11 Vegan cookbooks since we went vegan in February 2010. Some are better than others, but I’ve finally found my “go to” cookbook. It’s called “How it all Vegan - 10th Anniversary Edition” by Tanya Barnard & Sarah Kramer. I’ve made several of their soup recipes, and the family has loved them. Each time I’ve made a double or triple batch, expecting to freeze some, but have not been able to because the soup is gone by the next day.
The recipes from “How it all Vegan” are fairly quick to make (generally it’s taken me about ½ hr of prep for the dishes I’ve made), use healthy ingredients, and they taste good. Gotta like that!
There is also a baking section that I have yet to explore, but the titles of the recipes sound great – “Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie”, “Maple Walnut Brownies”, and “Better than Butter Tarts” are a few that look pretty darn good.
Now, there are some ingredients that the general omnivore eater may need to go get to make some of these, but many of them are made with ingredients that are found in your average grocery store. Of course, Whole Foods has pretty much anything you’ll ever need to eat vegan if you are lucky enough to have one close to you.
In any event, if you check it out, let me know your thoughts!